Saturday, December 1, 2018

How Does Burger King Sound?

How Does Burger King Sound?

I'm sure it sounds like Burger King. How in the hell would I know how Burger King sounds. The last time I went there I had my hearing aid turned down.

 Just the other day me and a few other brain surgeons and rocket scientists were trying to decide on what to get for lunch. One of my co-workers asks "How does Chinese sound?"

"Well," I say, "I think it sounds like this: Shēnɡ yīn xiànɡ zhào zhè yànɡ!"  How the hell do I know?"

Another brain surgeon who goes by the name of Snookie says, "Well, how does McDonald's sound?"

"I don't know, " I say. "The last time I went to McDonald's I was wearing my ear muffs. Couldn't hear a fricking thing."

Rick J. Fico

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am also a philosophical humorist and sometimes I make you laugh, other times make you cry and sometimes make you wanna call me every name in the book - perhaps the phone book!


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